Wednesday, January 30, 2008

History/Literature students:
Below are the items you need to know for the unit on imperialism and colonialism. You'll need to define some of these topics and write out longer answers to others.

Define the following:
imperialism colonialism mercantilism free trade tariffs
raw goods

Writer longer answers to the following?
Who was Adam Smith and why is his The Wealth of Nations an important book?

Name the African countries that were former British colonies.

Name the African countries that were former French colonies.

South Africa/Zimbabwe: Write definitions for the following:
Boers Afrikaans Zulu Boer War apartheid

Who rules Zimbabwe today?
What sort of government operates in South Africa?

What are three resources in South Africa?

What are the problems faced today by South Africa?

United States
What are the advantages to our country of free trade?
What are the disadvantages to our country of free trade?
What is the trade deficit of the United States today in regard to China? to Mexico? to Japan?

Friday, January 18, 2008

Thursday students:

Sorry for the delay on this post. Mea culpa.

Latin III students: Please complete the translation for Lesson XXXVII. Study the ablative of separation on page 148. Memorize the vocabulary for Lessons XXXVI and XXXVII.

History students: Follow the syllabus directions. Remember that from last week's homework you need to know the names of the people and events listed on the timeline, not just the dates. The Reformation Quiz Bowl involves a test for you. You NEED to know the terms on the Renaissance and Reformation sheets.

AP English students: Read to Part Five in Crime and Punishment. Be prepared to discuss that reading in class.
Know all the bold-print terms from Chapter 16 in the Lit. Book.
Read Chapter 18 in the Lit. Book. Know the meaning of the following terms: cacophony, alliteration, assonance, consonance.
Read Gerald Manley Hopkins "God's Grandeur" on page 530. Answer question 4.
There will be a test on the words and the texts assigned.

Saturday, January 05, 2008

3Rs Syllabus (subject to revision)
January 14/15
The Hobbit to Chapter 6
The Wizard of Oz, 135--146
Vocabulary test on Chapter 12 from Wizard of Oz
Journal 3x

January 21/22
The Hobbit to Chapter 10
Memorize poem from The Hobbit/last poem from book
The Wizard of Oz, Chapter 13
Journal 3x

January 28/29
Finish reading The Hobbit.
The Wizard of Oz, Chapter 14
Journal 3x

February 4/5
Read essay by Rebecca Murphey
Memorize The Beatitudes
The Wizard of Oz, Chapter 15
Journal 3x

February 11/12
Twelfth Night, Act I & II
Read assigned online guide to Twelfth Night.
Wizard of Oz vocabulary test, Chapters 12--15
Journal 3x

February 18/19
Twelfth Night, III--V
Wizard of Oz, Chapter 16
Memorize sonnet from list
Journals due.

February 25/26
Twelfth Night, review play
Essay: “Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon ‘em…”
World History & Literature Syllabus
Assignments due on dates given

January 13--17 (Religion, Reformation, and Revolt)
Answer all questions on study sheet for Renaissance and for Reformation.
When No One Sees: Read pages 59--65. Answer assigned question.
Donne’s “Death Be Not Proud.”

January 22--24 (Religion, Reformation, and Revolt)
When No One Sees, 254--269. Answer questions 1, 3, and 7 in More section, questions 1, 8, and 9 on Luther section. Only full answers--answers that truly explore the questions--will receive credit.
Carefully read “Address to the German Nobility” and “The Council of Trent.”
Prepare for Reformation Quiz Bowl.
Begin Heart of Darkness.

January 29--31 (Religion, Reformation, and Revolt)
Reformation Quiz Bowl by class.
Read Heart of Darkness.
Read When No One Sees, 144--149. Answer questions 1, 8, 9

February 5--7 (Colonialism)
Answer questions on colonialism and imperialism worksheets.
Read Cry, the Beloved Country, Book I.
Begin essay on Heart of Darkness.

February 12--14 (Colonialism)
Heart of Darkness essay due.
Read Cry, the Beloved Country, Book II.
Select topic for research paper from list of topics. Begin research notes.

February 19--21 (Colonialism)
Middle East for Dummies, 213--236
Read Cry, the Beloved Country, Book III. In-class essay and test.
Kipling’s “Recessional” due.
Continue research paper note cards.

February 26--28 (Revolution)
Revolution worksheets.
Read “The Communist Manifesto.”
Continue research paper notes.
Rough outline of research paper due.

March 4--6 (Revolution)
When No One Sees, 150--161. Answer questions 2,3, and 5.
Read A Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovitch.
Rough draft of research paper due.

March 11-13 (Revolution)
Read A Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich