Dear parents and students,
I hope this letter finds you well this cold Sunday afternoon.
Below are the schedule and book list for the fall of 2012. Most of you are familiar with the courses, but I did want to add a note on two of them.
First, the English History and Literature course is the third part of the three-year history/literature cycle that I teach: European History and Literature (with some elements of world history added), US History and Literature, and English History and Literature. In this class we take a look in depth at English history and literature from the time of Caesar’s invasion to the present day. The aim of the class is to become more familiar with the island nation from which we take so many of our traditions and beliefs. English history was my specialty in my graduate school years, and this is a seminar I particularly enjoy teaching.
Second, the AP European history seminar is well worth taking. You will learn a good deal about modern Europe (1500--present), and the colleges in which you may be interested, knowing the difficulty of this course, will be impressed by a good score on the AP exam. One caveat: this is a difficult course. The rewards are many, but you must be willing to study and to learn as much as possible.
The cost of each seminar per semester has not changed. It is $220.
Beginning on Monday, February 20th, I will take registrations from those of you already taking seminars with me. The following Monday, February 27, I will open registration to homeschoolers in general.
I will have registration forms available in the classroom and on the blog. The form must be accompanied by a $20 check or cash for each course taken. This money applies to the cost of the seminar, which means that in August you will owe $200 per seminar for the fall semester.
Best wishes,
Mr. Minick
2012--2013 Seminar Schedule
9:00 English History and Literature
11:15 Latin III
1:15 AP English Language and Composition
9:00 3Rs I
11:15 Latin I
1:15 English History and Literature
9:00 Latin II
11:15 3Rs II
1:15 Latin I
9:00 AP European History
11:15 AP Latin
1:15 AP English Literature
2012-Projected Book List -2013
Note: Please do not order the books below. This is a tentative list of books for classes. Final book lists for each class will be released in May.
One exception: If you sign up for the English History and Literature class, please order now PRENTICE Hall LITERATURE: THE ENGLISH TRADITION. It’s a huge textbook which you can find it for $1 at
Below are the book lists by class for the coming academic year. Nearly all of these books may be ordered from Amazon or from second-hand dealers online for a fraction of their original cost. Others are Dover Books, which generally run under $3 per book.
Books with an ISBN must be ordered by that number. Books without an ISBN beside them may be ordered in any complete edition.
Please be sure to read all the pages below connected with your particular class. This book list will also be posted on
Books for Latin Seminars
Latin I
Henle Latin (0829410260)
Henle Grammar (978-0-8294-0112-7)
No summer assignment
Latin II
Same texts as Latin I
Summer assignment: Know the vocabulary list on pages 91--98 and pages 217--220 in Henle Latin. Review the declensions and conjugations learned in first-year Latin. We are more than three months away from our next class, so be sure to review this summer.
Latin III
Latin for Americans (provided in-class)
Wheelock’s Latin (provided in-class)
Latin Third and Fourth Years (O-87720-558-2; old number; author is Charles Freundlich. You may order either the workbook or the book. Both versions contain the same material.
Summer assignments: Memorize the vocabulary lists from Henle Latin: pages 91--98, 217--220, and 217--220. Review declensions and conjugations.
Advanced Placement Latin
Because the AP Latin exam has changed, the textbooks won’t be available until March. You will order these from Bolchazy-Carducci Publishers: one text for Vergil, another for Caesar. Texts TBA.
Latin in Three and Four Years (see above)
Aeneid (English translation by Mandelbaum)
Summer assignment: TBA.
Books for 3Rs I and II
3Rs I (11--13)
Writer’s Inc.
The Bible
The Hobbit
Captains Courageous (Kipling)
Gift of the Magi (0-486-27061-0)
Indian Captive: The Story of Mary Jameson (author: Lois Lenski)
True Grit (Portis)
Animal Farm (Orwell)
Watership Down
Macbeth (any complete edition)
Various poems assigned from online sources
Summer reading assignment: Go to the public library and select an appropirate book you have never read. Read the book. Bring the book and your library card to class. You will write about the book on the first day of class.
Books for 3Rs II (13--15)
Writer’s Inc.
The Bible
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
Macbeth (Shakespeare: any complete edition)
Lord of the Flies
To Kill A Mockingbird
All Creatures Great and Small
Till We Have Faces (author: C.S. Lewis)
Jane Eyre
Songs of the Open Road (Poems: Dover Publications)
Summer reading assignment: Go to the public library and select an appropriate book you have never read. Read the book. Bring the book and your library card to class. You will write about the book on the first day of class.
Books for English History and Literature
The History of the Kings and Queens of England
Prentice-Hall Literature: The English Tradition
Great Tales from English History
The Great Divorce
My Early Life
Beat To Quarters
Summer assignment: Read Winston Churchill’s My Early Life.
Books for AP Seminars
Note to AP students, particularly to those in literature: You must have the correct edition of the book. Several--the Norton Critical Editions--have important essays and notes at the end of the book. We use the books in class and must reference page numbers. You’ll slow the class down by using a different edition.
AP English Literature
Literature 0316488763 (Used. Must have this edition)
Kaplan’s AP English Literature and Composition (2012 or 2013 edition)
Invisible Man (Ellison)
The Power and The Glory 0142437301
Wuthering Heights 0393978893 (must have this edition)
The Great Gatsby 0743273567
The Sound and the Fury 0393964817 (must have this edition)
Brideshead Revisited (Waugh)
Plays and poems (contained in our textbook, Literature)
Summer reading assignment: Read one of the books on the list which will be released in May.
AP Composition
Kaplan AP Composition and Literature (2012 or 2013 edition)
Strunk and White’s Elements of Style
The Norton Book of Personal Essays (editor: Joseph Epstein)
Lost in the Cosmos (Percy)
Candide (Voltaire)
Pilgrim at Tinker Creek (Dillard)
An Education for Our Time (Bunting)
Mere Christianity (Lewis)
Surely You’re Joking, Mr. Feynman (Feynman)
Summer reading assignment: Read one of the books from the list which will be released in May.
AP European History
Kaplan’s AP European History (2012 or 2013 edition)
AP Achiever for European History
Perry Sources of the Western Tradition
McKay, History of Western Society
Summer reading assignment: A World Lit Only By Fire (Tentative)
I hope this letter finds you well this cold Sunday afternoon.
Below are the schedule and book list for the fall of 2012. Most of you are familiar with the courses, but I did want to add a note on two of them.
First, the English History and Literature course is the third part of the three-year history/literature cycle that I teach: European History and Literature (with some elements of world history added), US History and Literature, and English History and Literature. In this class we take a look in depth at English history and literature from the time of Caesar’s invasion to the present day. The aim of the class is to become more familiar with the island nation from which we take so many of our traditions and beliefs. English history was my specialty in my graduate school years, and this is a seminar I particularly enjoy teaching.
Second, the AP European history seminar is well worth taking. You will learn a good deal about modern Europe (1500--present), and the colleges in which you may be interested, knowing the difficulty of this course, will be impressed by a good score on the AP exam. One caveat: this is a difficult course. The rewards are many, but you must be willing to study and to learn as much as possible.
The cost of each seminar per semester has not changed. It is $220.
Beginning on Monday, February 20th, I will take registrations from those of you already taking seminars with me. The following Monday, February 27, I will open registration to homeschoolers in general.
I will have registration forms available in the classroom and on the blog. The form must be accompanied by a $20 check or cash for each course taken. This money applies to the cost of the seminar, which means that in August you will owe $200 per seminar for the fall semester.
Best wishes,
Mr. Minick
2012--2013 Seminar Schedule
9:00 English History and Literature
11:15 Latin III
1:15 AP English Language and Composition
9:00 3Rs I
11:15 Latin I
1:15 English History and Literature
9:00 Latin II
11:15 3Rs II
1:15 Latin I
9:00 AP European History
11:15 AP Latin
1:15 AP English Literature
2012-Projected Book List -2013
Note: Please do not order the books below. This is a tentative list of books for classes. Final book lists for each class will be released in May.
One exception: If you sign up for the English History and Literature class, please order now PRENTICE Hall LITERATURE: THE ENGLISH TRADITION. It’s a huge textbook which you can find it for $1 at
Below are the book lists by class for the coming academic year. Nearly all of these books may be ordered from Amazon or from second-hand dealers online for a fraction of their original cost. Others are Dover Books, which generally run under $3 per book.
Books with an ISBN must be ordered by that number. Books without an ISBN beside them may be ordered in any complete edition.
Please be sure to read all the pages below connected with your particular class. This book list will also be posted on
Books for Latin Seminars
Latin I
Henle Latin (0829410260)
Henle Grammar (978-0-8294-0112-7)
No summer assignment
Latin II
Same texts as Latin I
Summer assignment: Know the vocabulary list on pages 91--98 and pages 217--220 in Henle Latin. Review the declensions and conjugations learned in first-year Latin. We are more than three months away from our next class, so be sure to review this summer.
Latin III
Latin for Americans (provided in-class)
Wheelock’s Latin (provided in-class)
Latin Third and Fourth Years (O-87720-558-2; old number; author is Charles Freundlich. You may order either the workbook or the book. Both versions contain the same material.
Summer assignments: Memorize the vocabulary lists from Henle Latin: pages 91--98, 217--220, and 217--220. Review declensions and conjugations.
Advanced Placement Latin
Because the AP Latin exam has changed, the textbooks won’t be available until March. You will order these from Bolchazy-Carducci Publishers: one text for Vergil, another for Caesar. Texts TBA.
Latin in Three and Four Years (see above)
Aeneid (English translation by Mandelbaum)
Summer assignment: TBA.
Books for 3Rs I and II
3Rs I (11--13)
Writer’s Inc.
The Bible
The Hobbit
Captains Courageous (Kipling)
Gift of the Magi (0-486-27061-0)
Indian Captive: The Story of Mary Jameson (author: Lois Lenski)
True Grit (Portis)
Animal Farm (Orwell)
Watership Down
Macbeth (any complete edition)
Various poems assigned from online sources
Summer reading assignment: Go to the public library and select an appropirate book you have never read. Read the book. Bring the book and your library card to class. You will write about the book on the first day of class.
Books for 3Rs II (13--15)
Writer’s Inc.
The Bible
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
Macbeth (Shakespeare: any complete edition)
Lord of the Flies
To Kill A Mockingbird
All Creatures Great and Small
Till We Have Faces (author: C.S. Lewis)
Jane Eyre
Songs of the Open Road (Poems: Dover Publications)
Summer reading assignment: Go to the public library and select an appropriate book you have never read. Read the book. Bring the book and your library card to class. You will write about the book on the first day of class.
Books for English History and Literature
The History of the Kings and Queens of England
Prentice-Hall Literature: The English Tradition
Great Tales from English History
The Great Divorce
My Early Life
Beat To Quarters
Summer assignment: Read Winston Churchill’s My Early Life.
Books for AP Seminars
Note to AP students, particularly to those in literature: You must have the correct edition of the book. Several--the Norton Critical Editions--have important essays and notes at the end of the book. We use the books in class and must reference page numbers. You’ll slow the class down by using a different edition.
AP English Literature
Literature 0316488763 (Used. Must have this edition)
Kaplan’s AP English Literature and Composition (2012 or 2013 edition)
Invisible Man (Ellison)
The Power and The Glory 0142437301
Wuthering Heights 0393978893 (must have this edition)
The Great Gatsby 0743273567
The Sound and the Fury 0393964817 (must have this edition)
Brideshead Revisited (Waugh)
Plays and poems (contained in our textbook, Literature)
Summer reading assignment: Read one of the books on the list which will be released in May.
AP Composition
Kaplan AP Composition and Literature (2012 or 2013 edition)
Strunk and White’s Elements of Style
The Norton Book of Personal Essays (editor: Joseph Epstein)
Lost in the Cosmos (Percy)
Candide (Voltaire)
Pilgrim at Tinker Creek (Dillard)
An Education for Our Time (Bunting)
Mere Christianity (Lewis)
Surely You’re Joking, Mr. Feynman (Feynman)
Summer reading assignment: Read one of the books from the list which will be released in May.
AP European History
Kaplan’s AP European History (2012 or 2013 edition)
AP Achiever for European History
Perry Sources of the Western Tradition
McKay, History of Western Society
Summer reading assignment: A World Lit Only By Fire (Tentative)
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