Tuesday, May 21, 2013

2013--2014 Schedule of seminars

Dear students and parents,

Below is the class schedule for the academic year 2013--2014, I will also post this schedule at the blog: ashevillelatinseminars.blogspot.com.

Best wishes, and again a good summer,

Mr. Minick


9:00--10:50--World History and Literature

11:15--1:05--Latin I

1:15--3:05--3Rs I


9:00--10:50--World History and Literature

11:15--1:05--Latin II

1:15--3:05--3Rs II


8:00--9:50--World History and Literature

9:00--10:50--AP World History

11:15--1:05--Latin III

1:15--3:05--AP World History


9:00--10:50--AP Latin

11:15--1:05--AP English Language and Composition

1:15--3:05--AP English Literature and Composition