Saturday, March 21, 2009

Latin homework due week of March 23

Latin I
Test on chapter 15
exercise 197
Reading #6
Read pages 173--177

Latin II
Vocab. 445, 450, 454
pages 446--467/finish translating first two paragraphs.
Ex. 440, 441

Latin III
Translate "Dies Irae."
Page 391 "The Shrewd Priest."

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Latin I students and test for week of March 22:

The test will cover chapter 15 only. Read the parts on how to form the perfect, pluperfect, and future perfect tenses. Study the verb forms on pages 44--47 in your grammar books (this includes present, imperfect, and future forms).
Study hard and do well on this test.

Sunday, March 08, 2009

3Rs Syllabus
Spring 2009
March 16/18
Read Animal Farm, Chapters I--V.
Begin 15 Year essay. Follow the instructions in class. See the blogspot for more details. Students who have written this paper in a previous class may choose a separate topic of their choice approved by Mr. Minick.
Journal 3x.
March 23/25
Read Animal Farm, Chapters VI--VIII
Continue 15 Year essay.
Journal 3x.
March 30/April 1.
Finish Animal Farm.
Fifteen year essay due.
Journal 3x.
April 6/April 8
Animal Farm essay due.
Journal 3x.
April 13/15
Spring break
April 20/22
Lord of the Flies, Chapter One--Six
Journal 3x.
April 27/29
Finish Lord of the Flies.
Revise Fifteen Year essay.
Journals due.
May 4/6
Test on Lord of the Flies.
Test on Vocabulary from March 9--April 29.
Revised Fifteen Year essay due.

Sunday, March 01, 2009

Reading List 2009--2010
This reading list may change. Please wait to receive the final list in late April or early May before buying books.
Reading, Writing, and Rhetoric
Harp and Laurel Wreath
The Elements of Style
Wizard of Oz
Animal Farm
Until They Have Faces
Watership Down
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
The Gift of the Magi
The Yearling

English History and Literature
The Kings and Queens of England
Prentice-Hall Literature: The English Tradition
Elements of Style
Study Is Hard Work
The Importance of Being Ernest
Jane Eyre
The Hobbit
The Thirty-Nine Steps
The Great Divorce

Advanced Placement English Literature
Literature (X.J. Kennedy)
The Power and the Glory
Wuthering Heights
House on Mango Street
Pride and Prejudice
The Great Gatsby
On the Road
As I Lay Dying

AP European History
Book list given to students in May

Latin I & Latin II
Henle Text (Provided with 30% discount at August meeting)
Henle Grammar (Provided with 30 % discount at August parent meeting)
Latin First Year (provided at August meeting)
Latin Second Year (provided at August meeting)

Latin III
Textbooks provided. Charge to be announced.
Latin Third and Fourth Year (Provided at August meeting)

Latin IV (AP Latin)
Texts and ordering information will be given to students in
Class Schedule
9:00 Latin II
11:15 English History and Literature
1:05 Latin III
9:00 AP English Literature (N. B.: students taking AP courses who have not previously 11:15 AP European History taken my seminars must meet with me before registering
1:15 AP Latin for the course).

9:00 3Rs
11:15 Latin II
1:15 English History and Literature

9:00 Latin I
11:15 3Rs (Latin I students given first priority on admission to this class)
1:15 Latin I
Class Schedule
9:00 Latin II
11:15 English History and Literature
1:05 Latin III
9:00 AP English Literature (N. B.: students taking AP courses who have not previously 11:15 AP European History taken my seminars must meet with me before registering
1:15 AP Latin for the course).

9:00 3Rs
11:15 Latin II
1:15 English History and Literature

9:00 Latin I
11:15 3Rs (Latin I students given first priority on admission to this class)
1:15 Latin I

NAME OF STUDENT______________________________________
AGE__________ DATE OF BIRTH________________________
GRADE IN SCHOOL FOR 2009--2010________
NAME OF PARENTS OR GUARDIANS__________________________________________
E-MAIL____________________________________ (Print clearly)
EMERGENCY CONTACT WITH TELEPHONE NUMBER___________________________________________________
MON. __LATIN II 9:00 ___English History and Literature 11:15 ___Latin III 1:05
TUES. _AP English Lit. 9:00 ___AP European Hist. 11:15 ___AP Latin 1:05
WED. __3Rs ___Latin II 11:15 ___English Hist. and Lit.
THURS. __Latin I 9:00 ___3Rs (Latin I students have priority) 11:15 __Latin I 1:15