Dear students and parents,
Registration for next year’s classes begins this week for students already enrolled in this year’s seminars. Your siblings may also enroll at this time. Beginning on February 28, the registration will be open to new students.
Below are the book lists for next years classes and a registration form. Both are also available at I will have both documents available in the classroom as well this week.
The fees for registering are $25 per class. Please note that these fees apply to next year’s classes. The total cost per seminar will be $220, so that the amount due later in the summer will be $195.
Here is a list of students who earlier indicated an interest in the AP courses. Your spot in these courses is reserved for this week. You need to submit a registration form and fees by February 28 to secure that spot.
AP Literature and Composition: Mary Kania, Aubrey McCleary, Jeremy Minick, Meredith Payne, Elizabeth Roberts, Sam Scott, Abigail Siemens, Bill Young
AP English Language and Composition: Caleb Goodrum, Cole Maita, Stuart Voigt
AP Latin: Mary Kania,
U.S. History: Katie Comaris, Natalie Delp, Molly Dorris, Rebecca Dorris, Levi Hall, Anna Hostetler, Aubrey McCleary, Cole Maita, Meredith Payne, Kyle Phillips, Madison Pierce, Miller Pierce, Elizabeth Roberts, Keeley Sprouse, Stuart Voigt
Please note: the AP U.S. course is nearly full. If necessary, we may need to make the 9:00 U.S. History course on Thursday an AP course.
Best wishes this lovely Saturday morning,
Mr. Minick
NAME OF STUDENT______________________________________
AGE__________ DATE OF BIRTH________________________
GRADE IN SCHOOL FOR 2011--2012________
NAME OF PARENTS OR GUARDIANS__________________________________________
E-MAIL_________________________________________ __(Please print clearly)
EMERGENCY CONTACT WITH TELEPHONE NUMBER___________________________________________________
CLASSES (Please indicate correct class with a check mark):
MON. __3Rs II 9:00 (13--15 years old by September 1) ___ Latin II 11:15
___U.S. History and Literature 1:15
TUES. __ Latin I 9:00 __AP Latin 11:15 ___AP English Literature 1:15
WED. __3Rs I 9:00 ___Latin I 11:15 ____ U.S. History and Literature 1:15 ____ AP English Composition 3:30
THURS. ___ U.S. History and Literature 9:00 ___Latin III 11:15 ____AP U.S. History 1:15
N.B.: You must check the underscored line appearing BEFORE the course listed above to be properly registered for the seminar. If you check the wrong line, you risk being bumped from the class you wanted.
2011-Book List -2012
Below are the book lists by class for the coming academic year. Nearly all of these books may be ordered from Amazon or second-hand dealers online for a fraction of their original cost. Others are Dover Books, which generally gun under $3 per book.
I will issue a revised list in May. Please wait until you receive the revised list in May to order your books.
Books for Latin Seminars
Latin I
Henle Latin (0829410260)
Henle Grammar (0829401121)
Augustus Caesar’s World
Latin II
Henle Latin (see above)
Henle Grammar (see above)
Latin Two Years
Latin III
Latin for Americans (provided in class)
Latin Third and Fourth Years
Advanced Placement Latin
Pharr’s Aeneid (9780865165847)
Aeneid Workbook (0865166145)
AP Virgil Workbook (0738607061)
Latin in Three and Four Years (see above)
Aeneid (Mandelbaum)
Books for 3Rs I and II
3Rs I (11--13)
Grammar in Plain English
The Bible
Treasure Island (Stevenson)
Six Great Sherlock Holmes Stories (0486270556)
Indian Captive: The Story of Mary Jameson
Dear Mr. Henshaw
True Grit (Portis)
The Importance of Being Earnest (Wilde)
Animal Farm (Orwell)
A Christmas Carol (Dickens)
The Long Winter (Wilder)
Someone Named Eva (Wolf)
3Rs II (13--15)
Grammar in Plain English
The Harp and Laurel Wreath
Presenting Miss Jane Austen
Archimedes and the Door to Science
True Grit (ISBN 1585673692)
The Yearling (0689846236)
The Hound of the Baskervilles (068983571X)
Henry V
Lord of the Flies
The Bible (King James, RSV, etc.)
Fahrenheit 451 (0345342968)
Till We Have Faces
Books for US History and Literature
U.S. History and Literature
The American Pageant 0669108103 (Used. See below)*
Young Goodman Brown 0486270602
O Pioneers! 0486277852
Up From Slavery 0486287386
Killer Angels 0345348109
The Chosen 0449213447
Glass Menagerie 0811214044
Time and Again
The Day I Became an Autodidact
101 Great American Poems
Education of a Wandering Man 0553286528
With Love and Prayers
Books for AP Seminars
AP English Literature
Cracking the AP English Literature and Composition
Literature 0316488763 (Used. See below)
The Day I Became an Autodidact
The Four Loves
The Power and The Glory 0142437301
Wuthering Heights 0393978893
Look Homeward, Angel
A Handful of Dust
The Great Gatsby 0743273567
The Sound and the Fury 0393964817
The Chosen
Plays (contained in our textbook, Literature)
AP Composition
Cracking the AP English Language and Composition (Princeton Review)
Strunk and White’s Elements of Style
Lost in the Cosmos (Percy)
My Early Life (Churchill)
On Boxing (Oates)
George Orwell essays (assorted online)
Up From Slavery
Pilgrim at Tinker Creek (Dillard)
A Line Out for a Walk (Epstein)
An Education for Our Time (Bunting)
Mere Christianity (Lewis)
The Kandy-Kolored Tangerine-Flake Stream-line Baby (Wolfe)
Surely You’re Joking, Mr. Feynman (Feynman)
AP U.S. History
Cracking the AP U.S. History Examination
A History of the American People
Booknotes on American Character
My Dearest Friend: The Letters of John and Abigail Adams
Lincoln (biography by David Herbert Donald)
Mornings on Horseback
American Caesar (biography on McArthur by Manchester)
Registration for next year’s classes begins this week for students already enrolled in this year’s seminars. Your siblings may also enroll at this time. Beginning on February 28, the registration will be open to new students.
Below are the book lists for next years classes and a registration form. Both are also available at I will have both documents available in the classroom as well this week.
The fees for registering are $25 per class. Please note that these fees apply to next year’s classes. The total cost per seminar will be $220, so that the amount due later in the summer will be $195.
Here is a list of students who earlier indicated an interest in the AP courses. Your spot in these courses is reserved for this week. You need to submit a registration form and fees by February 28 to secure that spot.
AP Literature and Composition: Mary Kania, Aubrey McCleary, Jeremy Minick, Meredith Payne, Elizabeth Roberts, Sam Scott, Abigail Siemens, Bill Young
AP English Language and Composition: Caleb Goodrum, Cole Maita, Stuart Voigt
AP Latin: Mary Kania,
U.S. History: Katie Comaris, Natalie Delp, Molly Dorris, Rebecca Dorris, Levi Hall, Anna Hostetler, Aubrey McCleary, Cole Maita, Meredith Payne, Kyle Phillips, Madison Pierce, Miller Pierce, Elizabeth Roberts, Keeley Sprouse, Stuart Voigt
Please note: the AP U.S. course is nearly full. If necessary, we may need to make the 9:00 U.S. History course on Thursday an AP course.
Best wishes this lovely Saturday morning,
Mr. Minick
NAME OF STUDENT______________________________________
AGE__________ DATE OF BIRTH________________________
GRADE IN SCHOOL FOR 2011--2012________
NAME OF PARENTS OR GUARDIANS__________________________________________
E-MAIL_________________________________________ __(Please print clearly)
EMERGENCY CONTACT WITH TELEPHONE NUMBER___________________________________________________
CLASSES (Please indicate correct class with a check mark):
MON. __3Rs II 9:00 (13--15 years old by September 1) ___ Latin II 11:15
___U.S. History and Literature 1:15
TUES. __ Latin I 9:00 __AP Latin 11:15 ___AP English Literature 1:15
WED. __3Rs I 9:00 ___Latin I 11:15 ____ U.S. History and Literature 1:15 ____ AP English Composition 3:30
THURS. ___ U.S. History and Literature 9:00 ___Latin III 11:15 ____AP U.S. History 1:15
N.B.: You must check the underscored line appearing BEFORE the course listed above to be properly registered for the seminar. If you check the wrong line, you risk being bumped from the class you wanted.
2011-Book List -2012
Below are the book lists by class for the coming academic year. Nearly all of these books may be ordered from Amazon or second-hand dealers online for a fraction of their original cost. Others are Dover Books, which generally gun under $3 per book.
I will issue a revised list in May. Please wait until you receive the revised list in May to order your books.
Books for Latin Seminars
Latin I
Henle Latin (0829410260)
Henle Grammar (0829401121)
Augustus Caesar’s World
Latin II
Henle Latin (see above)
Henle Grammar (see above)
Latin Two Years
Latin III
Latin for Americans (provided in class)
Latin Third and Fourth Years
Advanced Placement Latin
Pharr’s Aeneid (9780865165847)
Aeneid Workbook (0865166145)
AP Virgil Workbook (0738607061)
Latin in Three and Four Years (see above)
Aeneid (Mandelbaum)
Books for 3Rs I and II
3Rs I (11--13)
Grammar in Plain English
The Bible
Treasure Island (Stevenson)
Six Great Sherlock Holmes Stories (0486270556)
Indian Captive: The Story of Mary Jameson
Dear Mr. Henshaw
True Grit (Portis)
The Importance of Being Earnest (Wilde)
Animal Farm (Orwell)
A Christmas Carol (Dickens)
The Long Winter (Wilder)
Someone Named Eva (Wolf)
3Rs II (13--15)
Grammar in Plain English
The Harp and Laurel Wreath
Presenting Miss Jane Austen
Archimedes and the Door to Science
True Grit (ISBN 1585673692)
The Yearling (0689846236)
The Hound of the Baskervilles (068983571X)
Henry V
Lord of the Flies
The Bible (King James, RSV, etc.)
Fahrenheit 451 (0345342968)
Till We Have Faces
Books for US History and Literature
U.S. History and Literature
The American Pageant 0669108103 (Used. See below)*
Young Goodman Brown 0486270602
O Pioneers! 0486277852
Up From Slavery 0486287386
Killer Angels 0345348109
The Chosen 0449213447
Glass Menagerie 0811214044
Time and Again
The Day I Became an Autodidact
101 Great American Poems
Education of a Wandering Man 0553286528
With Love and Prayers
Books for AP Seminars
AP English Literature
Cracking the AP English Literature and Composition
Literature 0316488763 (Used. See below)
The Day I Became an Autodidact
The Four Loves
The Power and The Glory 0142437301
Wuthering Heights 0393978893
Look Homeward, Angel
A Handful of Dust
The Great Gatsby 0743273567
The Sound and the Fury 0393964817
The Chosen
Plays (contained in our textbook, Literature)
AP Composition
Cracking the AP English Language and Composition (Princeton Review)
Strunk and White’s Elements of Style
Lost in the Cosmos (Percy)
My Early Life (Churchill)
On Boxing (Oates)
George Orwell essays (assorted online)
Up From Slavery
Pilgrim at Tinker Creek (Dillard)
A Line Out for a Walk (Epstein)
An Education for Our Time (Bunting)
Mere Christianity (Lewis)
The Kandy-Kolored Tangerine-Flake Stream-line Baby (Wolfe)
Surely You’re Joking, Mr. Feynman (Feynman)
AP U.S. History
Cracking the AP U.S. History Examination
A History of the American People
Booknotes on American Character
My Dearest Friend: The Letters of John and Abigail Adams
Lincoln (biography by David Herbert Donald)
Mornings on Horseback
American Caesar (biography on McArthur by Manchester)
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