Thursday, August 19, 2010

World History and Literature
Fall Semester
All assignments are due on the date shown.

08/24--08/25 Class theme: Early Middle Eastern civilizations
Carnage and Culture, preface and pages 1--6
Middle East for Dummies, 1--40
When No One Sees, 13--30
The Bible: Exodus
Poem: Tennyson’s “The Eagle” page 22
Model: the Bible. Write a 10 Commandments for an organization or game based on the 10 Commandments from the King James version of Exodus. KJV may be found at

08/31--09/02 Class theme: the Bible as history
Carnage and Culture, 6--24
Middle East for Dummies, 41--56
When No One Sees, (hebrew scriptutres)
Poem: Frost’s “Fire and Ice,” 44
Bible imitation due

09/07--09/09 Class theme: Greeks and Persians, Greek thinkers
C&C, 27--39
When No one Sees, 50--58
Poem: Shelley’s “Ozymandias,” 16--17
Model writers: Platon and Aquinas: Definition through dialogue

09/14--09/16 Class theme: Greek art and games
C&C, 39--51
When No One Sees, 79--113
Greek Lives at
Work on dialogue/definition imitations.

09/21--09/23 Theme: Peloponnesian War
C&C, 51--59
When No One Sees, questions on Sophocles due
Greek Lives at
Poem: Dickinson’s “I Never Saw A Moor” page 28

09/29--09/30 Theme: Alexander the Great and Hellenezation
C&C, 60--98
When No One Sees, 31--39
Greek Lives at
Dialogue/definition due

10/05--10/07 Theme: The Early Romans and their Republic
Essay on Greeks due. Select one of the lives which we have read and explain the values and virtues held by tht character and how they made him notable.

10/12--10/14 Theme: The Carthaginian Wars, Roman law and government
C&C, 99--111
When No One Sees,
Roman Lives at
Imitation of Cicero assigned

10/19--10/21 Theme: The disintegration of the Roman Republic
C&C, 111--132
Roman Lives from
Cicero imitation continues
Poem: Amy Lowell’s “Solitaire” p. 43

10/26--10/28 Theme: The Roman Empire and its Fall
Look up on internet: Tiberius, Caligula, Claudius, Nero, X, Marcus Aurelius, Constantine
Imitation of Cicero due
Poem: Frost’s Acquainted with the Night” p. 45

11/02--11/04 Theme: The Rise of Christianity and the Early Middle Ages, 476--1100
C&C, 135--169
Medieval People
MED, 57--74
When No One Sees, 220--228
Poem: Lovelace’s “To Lucasta, On Going to the Wars” p. 7
Imitation: The Lady

11/09--11/11 Theme: The Church, hospitals, monasteries, and universities
Medieval People,
When No One Sees, 213--220,
Imitation: The lady due

11/16--11/18 Theme: Islam & The Crusades
Medieval People
MED, 57--74
Poem: Housman, “When I Was One-And-Twenty” 36

11/30--12/02 Theme: Renaissance and Exploration
C&C, 170--205
Dr. Faustus, Acts I and II
When No One Sees, 59--66

12/07--12/09 Theme: Artists of Northern Italy
Semester exam
C&C, 205--232
Dr. Faustus, Acts III--V

12/14--12/16 Theme: The Elizabethan Theater
Read West with the Night, Book One (to page 53)
Dr. Faustus paper due

01/04--01/06 Theme: Africa
Finish West with the Night. Be prepared for in-class test on the book.
Begin journals.